
coding cowboy logo


I fly drones...

...and so can you.

A - left

W - up

D - right

S - down

Feed My Robot Chickens!

My wife and I raise laying hens, and have come to love what chickens provide: fresh eggs with golden yolks, entertainment in the form of Chicken TV (we sit and watch and laugh as the girls go about their day), reduction of garden pests, and a sustainable form of food production.

Wouldn't it be cool if there were robot chickens? I think so. Create a simple AI that navigates the robot through parks and public spaces with the sole purpose of cleaning up trash and recyling the recycleables. If you're not convinced of the utility (or comedic value) just toss a can to my robot chickens!

Some facts you should know about robot chickens: they love shredded aluminum more than anything else, they don't do much other than walk and eat, they will save the environment so toss them a treat!

Click a can to feed the aluminum shreds to the chickens.

Once all pieces have been eaten, the can will replenish.

When I'm not engineering for fun at home...

I'm engineering for fun at work!

Keyo AI : Software Engineer

We're creating a more rewarding rental experience for the tenant and landlord. Tenants can pay rent, make service requests and even boost their credit score through our iOS and android apps. Landlords can manage inventory and streamline their daily tasks while migrating from their ancient DOS systems. Keyo is the new way to rent. Join today!





If I didn't code for work, I'd still do it as a hobby. Timelesslapse is my favorite hobby project. Compile daily photos to create timelapses of life's unforgettable moments. Applicable for the month of Movember, pregnancy tracking, and the hobby gardener. The image stabilization algorithm detects sharp gradient changes to create pixel maps which are easily adjusted to stabilize subsequent images. Features multi-lingual options: English, Spanish, Klingon.



Ruby on Rails

Looking for more ??

Head on over to my linkedin profile for more work history. If any of my experiences could be useful to you, don't hesitate to reach out!

Feeling Groovy Making Movies

Film and photography are my Jam! I love making movies, capturing timelapses, taking photos (with portrait mode on iOS!). Here's some of my favorite videos, head over to my instagram (@coding_cowboy) for best pictures and timelapses, hope you enjoy!


Speed Matters